About Me!
Hello, I am Jennifer Mills and I have the privilege of Directing Theatre at Huntington High School. I have worked in the district for 35 years, twenty three of those years as a paraprofessional. I have worked with children from Kindergarten all the way to the 12th grade. Teaching children is my passion; this is why I was compelled to finish getting my degree later in life. Everyday feels complete ,even if I have helped just one child learn. I try to make the learning process exciting for my students. My job is rewarding as I get to know all of my students and treasure each and everyone for their differences.
I have been married to my husband, Ricky Mills for 36 years. He is very supportive of my career choice which enables me to encourage and show my students the same sort of support. . Together we have two wonderful daughters Katie and Tori. Katie graduated from Huntington and played on the state softball team in 2008. Katie who is 33 is a nurse. . Tori who is 27 graduated from Academy of Hair Design and is a stay at home mom.. . I am very proud of both of my children. I enjoy animals, arts and crafts and numerous outdoor activities. I will love teaching my students and enjoy getting to know what their plans may be for the future. With positive guidance and encouragement our students can reach whatever goal they set for themselves.

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