Colby Crawford » Colby Crawford - Ag Science Teacher

Colby Crawford - Ag Science Teacher

Ag Mechanics and Metal Technologies 
- In Ag Mech, students will learn basic construction skills, such as safety, carpentry, electrical, masonry, welding, and design. This course is designed as a beginner class in order to teach students the skills necessary for upper-level courses like Ag Structures and Ag Equipment. Upon completion of this course, the students will (or should) earn a D.1.1 Tack Weld Certification. 
Ag Equipment Fabrication and Design
- In Ag Equipment Fab & Design, students will learn through doing. This class is primarily a project-based course, where students select, design, fabricate, and show an Ag Mechanics project. If students have not recieved an industry based certification prior to taking this class, they will earn their D.1.1 Tack Weld Certification before completion. 
Conference Period: 3:01-3:50